Ideal for critical areas of high-energy piping and plant equipment requiring frequent inspections and maintenance.
Common Pain Points
- Insulation removal and installation takes time for both traditional insulation and removable insulation blankets.
- Existing removable insulation methods use wire, belts or velcro and require special care to reduce risk of damage or failure over time.
- Blanket type insulation may have reduced thermal performance.
- Considerable amount of insulation waste requiring special handling and costs after inspection and maintenance.
The RAPID Solution
- Minimize downtime with faster and more efficient inspections and maintenance.
- Significant reduction to material cost, labor cost and time, especially during forced outages.
- Improve safety and minimize insulation worker time in hazardous areas.
- Lightweight and durable high-strength design.
- PVDF color coating options available.
- Environmentally friendly and aesthetically pleasing.
Use Cases
- Critical areas (elbows, tees, reducers) that demand regular inspection.
- Valves with periodic maintenance requirements.
- Warehouse spares of standard pipe and component sizes for quick installation to minimize downtime during forced outages.
Standard Product Line

- Custom design is available for plant equipment or specialty components.